One of the things that I have been working on and it is finally done! Hurrah!
Here is the link: Malaysian Divorce, Family & Collaborative Lawyers
I have set up this page with Rajashree Suppiah. We are pioneering members of the collaborative law movement in Malaysia.
Collaborative Law Practice was founded by Canadian lawyer Stu Webb and his idea has metamorphosised into an international movement practised in more than 23 countries worldwide.
From our experience, the traditional divorce courts are a hostile arena for a family. High emotions like blame and rage reign as parties undergoing divorce feel fear and go into flight or fight mode. Clients come to us traumatised and are not thinking clearly about the long-term goals for the family.
After a long contentious litigation battle, one spouse may end up "winning". However, in reality, there are no true winners and the biggest casualties of the aftermath are the children whose voices are often lost.
We see first hand, how painful and destructive an impact it can be on these children.
We want to help educate Malaysians and the community that there is another way to divorce with dignity and compassion.
We want to help families transition in a constructive manner and focus on solving problems. To de-escalate conflict and preserve, heal and support family relationships with the help of trained legal, mental and financial professionals and if required, mediators.
The benefits of the Collaborative Law method is that it preserves privacy, is interest-based and child-focused. The solutions are uniquely tailored for the family and such arrangements result in a more durable agreement. It is very important how one starts the "end of the marriage" as it sets the tone for the future.
This is the first step in our journey to change the litigious divorce landscape. I hope you will believe in our vision and join us.
Useful links:
1. What is Collaborative Practice?
2. Collaborative Practice FAQs:
3. List of IACP registered Malaysian Collaborative Lawyers:
4. SPLIT: Divorce through Kids' Eyes.
5. Getting Help for Domestic Violence: